
Daz3d m1 mac
Daz3d m1 mac

daz3d m1 mac

Now they have to claim it's the fastest 10W CPU, like anyone cares.Īs for those complaining about the MacMini being just the box and power cord unless you want to go the lap top route what computer isn't. Apple had to take down, or put an big honking asterisk beside, "fastest CPU in the world." Apple knew that wasn't true when they made the claim, they took the slide down less than a day later. There was much bellyaching and there was much complaing from the Apple crowd but enough people re ran them and now there is no longer any real debate. They did it mostly so devs who primarily use other platforms could test on Macs, the prices are so high I can't imagine even keeping one up for a week. I assume they will also do the same thing eventually with M1 but that isn't some sign that it is good just that there is a market for devs to have test platforms.Īs to standing up to criticism? The benchmark runs exist.

daz3d m1 mac

It's a very exciting time to be in computers!ĪWS bought some i7 based Mac minis not M1's. Poser is on board, they are in beta for a full Mac port, with support going forward on a combined Windows/Mac source tree. Yes, Apple will make their own GPU devices, and if you don't think they can do better than NVidia, then ask Intel about why AWS bought a truckload sized cube of Mac mini computers. The M1 is standing up well against criticism that it's "just a cell phone". Apple is dumping AMD/Radeon so why should Nvidia make any attempt to make nice? What money would they make? Apple has made it clear they don't intend to have any outside silicon in their products going forward. Apple doesn't have the sort of engineering department that could have realistically leapfrogged all of AMD and Intel in their first try and to think they went from the iPhone to Zen 3 in one generation was so laughable it is amazing that even Apple fans believed it even for the 12 hours or so the claim was on Apple's site.Īs to Nvidia making nice with Apple? That seems unlikely. In the non Apple world this wasn't a shock and only Apple fanbois expected anything else.

daz3d m1 mac

In real world comparisons to other real world desktop silicon not to mobile chips, which is what Apple was doing when it made the "world's fastest CPU" claim, it is roughly comparable to a 3 or 4 generation old 4 core chip. Apple itself had to retract all the claims about it being the "fastest CPU" the day after they made them. The M1 is a slightly upscaled iphone CPU.

Daz3d m1 mac